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With hit reality shows like "Bar Rescue" or "Resturaunt Stakeout" currently trending, it is bringing exposure to this in-valuable service. Obviously these systems are to deter theft and provide documentation of a crime, however, as these shows have proven, as an employer, your employees are STEALING from you costing you money, whether you believe it or not (and most employers & employees do not "think" they are stealing), but they in fact are. This tool helps deter your employees from stealing and can be a tool to help improve customer service and overall profitability. Most customers will NOT tell you they had bad service or experience, they are non-confrontational, but they will tell everyone they know about it through conversation and social media, and then you will have a bad rep and your losing business, so.. that bad employee /service/experience not only cost you their business, but several potential new customers from coming back....which effects your bottom line. Take control of your business, contact Extreme Communications today for a free estimate.


Video Surveillance systems

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